
Arguments Against Plea Bargaining

Decent Essays

Plea bargaining has a negative impact on the criminal justice system because it attacks the integrity of our courts. We are privileged to live in America where we are guaranteed certain inalienable rights, such as being innocent until found guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. With plea bargaining there is no proof beyond a reasonable doubt and therefore how can we be comfortable with a guilty verdict? The integrity is also attacked in many other ways, such as overcharging. This is where a prosecutor anticipates a plea bargain and therefore charges a defendant with a more severe crime in the hopes that, when the crime is plead down, the original charge will be what sticks. The defendant can also abuse the plea bargaining system by stalling the process, drawing out negotiations in the hopes of garnering a better deal as the trial date gets closer and closer. …show more content…

Defendants are oftentimes encouraged to plead guilty for a variety of reasons such as the prospect of a darker, more ominous trial looming on the horizon versus a nicer, cleaner, more immediate resolution. Also they are encouraged to plead guilty if it seems like they will be found guilty at a trial, reasoning that a little bit of punishment now is preferred to the potential for greater punishment down the road. This begs for guilty verdicts even when they are not warranted, preferring an easy quick fix to the truth. There is not even a judge involved in the plea bargaining arrangement, it is a questionable practice that practices in lies and

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