
Aristotle 's Doctrine Of The Mean

Decent Essays

Often times we are in the middle of making a moral decision that will affect either you or me. Especially during a moral dilemmas, we are forced to response with either immediate reaction or logical thinking. Making a moral decision might be hard, and can be explained, however what is right and wrong when making a moral decision that is still a question today. This essay outlines how virtue ethics is not helpful as we hope when making a moral decision.
Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean is a unique theory that is used for ethical views today. His main argument is basely on eudaimonia and how humans can attain that. Most of the time, happiness to humans is enjoying time with friends or loved ones, but to Aristotle happiness is a telos that incorporates an individual’s lifetime. He argues that happiness is not gained or lost, it is however the ultimate value of an individual’s life. For that reason we cannot assume that young children are happy because they have not met their telos yet, or conclude that a hockey game during half time is terrific because the game has not ended yet. To understand Aristotle’s doctrine of the mean, we have to breakdown his approach to virtue.
Aristotle breaks down knowledge into two categories; episteme and phronesis. Episteme knowledge is theatrical reasoning, it has to do more with intuition, whereas phronesis knowledge is more achievable and practical. Phronesis knowledge is the main theme in Aristotle’s theory because he believed practical

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