
Art : Neogooco And Neoclassicism

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Throughout history, art has continuously evolved into several different movements. These movements focus on specific goals that are common among several different artists. This essay will concentrate on two artists of the eighteenth century whose styles were respectably similar yet varying in their aesthetically creative goals, therefore classifying them under two contrasting movements known as Rococo and Neoclassicism. The Rococo movement developed in Paris, France during the early 18th century in response to the previous Baroque movement, which was known for its darkness, grandeur, and exaggeration of often religious and violent themes. The Rococo style was used to create a decorative piece of artwork with light colors and the portrayal of playful and witty themes; such as in Jean–Antoine Watteau’s, Gersaint’s Signboard. The Neoclassicism movement began in opposition to the Baroque and Rococo styles in Rome in the mid-18th century. Neoclassical art like Jacques-Louis David’s, Oath of the Horatii, was used to emphasize courage, sacrifice, and tradition. Although these are two different artists from two different movements, Jean-Antoine Watteau and Jacques-Louis David used similar artistic techniques and principles to create a unified work of art.
Gersaint’s Signboard, otherwise known as L'Enseigne de Gersaint, is an oil canvas painting that was created by Jean-Antoine Watteau in 1721 during the Rococo movement. It was inspired by the works of Edme-Francois Gersaint. The

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