
Arthur Miller's Dissatisfaction with the American People Expressed in Three of His Major Works

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In the world today there are seven billion people and no two people are the same. Seven billion people. Seven billion stories. Seven billion different situations. People are born every day and raised in all different situations and conditions but they always try to achieve the best they can to the highest of their ability. With life, comes expectations and responsibilities which often lead to conflict and tragedy. Every man has his own way of dealing with issues.
After the Second World War, people had the opinion that play writer Arthur Miller transferred the theater. The work Miller created was influenced by the worldly depression and the war that started after. Arthur Miller “tapped into a sense of dissatisfaction and unrest within the …show more content…

Linda Loman is his wife who cares very much for the safety of her husband, and together they raised two children named Happy and Biff. Willy Loman had never learned to punish his children and said things such as stealing was okay. When the present becomes to disappointing to Willy, he hallucinates into the past until he runs out of things to relive.
A View from the Bridge written by Miller in 1955 takes the reader into the life of Eddie Carbone. Carbone is an Italian-American longshoreman on the Brooklyn waterfront. The joy of his life is his 18-year-old niece, Catherine, whom he and his wife, Beatrice, have raised from infancy. When two of Beatrice’s cousins Marco and Rodolpho, illegally move into the United States, an attraction develops between Catherine and the handsome young Rodolpho. Eddie's inappropriate love for his niece drives him into cruel criticism of Rodolpho, including the accusation that he is an opportunist who plans to marry Catherine only to obtain his U. S. citizenship papers. Catherine had always dealt with Eddie in the ways a wife deals with a husband, and not like the father figure he should have been. The story ends by Eddie being stabbed by his own knife and him being the reason for all his destruction. In Arthur Millers essay “Tragedy and the Common Man” he argues that “…the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character who is ready to lay down his life, if need be, to secure one

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