
Artificial Intelligence In Charlie's Flowers For Algernon

Decent Essays

The book Flowers For Algernon is about a 37-year-old man named Charlie who is not the sharpest bulb in the barrel. He couldn’t write or speak correctly, so he went to a night school for slow adults. Charlie was recommended for a surgery that would triple his IQ, but the scientists in the book didn't know if the surgery was permanent or not. The book was written in 1951, while the movie was made 49 years later in the 2000s. Since Flowers for Algernon is a fictional story, artificially enhanced intelligence isn’t a real thing yet. Science has come a long way from lobotomies and cocaine used for sodas and cough syrup. Now, scientists have already created a clone of a sheep named Dolly and selective breeding for fish. If scientists cannot better intelligence with a surgery, they might be able to do it with machinery. With science trying to better people's brains with machines or a surgery, some may ask if it is ethically correct. …show more content…

In the story, God told Eve was told not to eat an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, but then this snake came along and told her to eat one and nothing bad will happen. Well, Eve, according to the story, is the reason why humans can get diseases, death, and suffering. That is all that the story says at least. Science; however, says that the story isn't true and that humans evolved from monkeys. Many people do believe that it isn't correct, but science could really benefit from this kind of

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