
Asbestos Poisoning

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Asbestos poisoning also called as asbestosis is an interstitial pulmonary fibrosis that is caused by asbestos exposure. When asbestos containing materials break down or disturbed, its microscopic fibers become airborne that can easily be inhaled or swallowed and can cause serious health concerns in the long run.


Asbestos poisoning is the impact that asbestos exposure can have on humans. Its toxicity stems from the fact that the microscopic fibers which make up asbestos in its pure form can have a devastating impact on human health when they are inhaled or ingested.



Asbestos poisoning occurs when the microscopic fibers that asbestos consist …show more content…

Effects of Asbestos Poisoning

One of the poisoning effects of inhaling asbestos fibers is asbestosis. After inhaling, these fibers become lodged in the lungs and cause chronic long-term lung inflammation. The inflammation causes the healthy tissue of the lung to be replaced with scar tissue. Scar tissue cannot perform the normal function of the lungs, which is to absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. Thus, people with asbestosis often have difficulty breathing, are short of breath and may have chest pain. Asbestosis caused by asbestos poisoning takes very long to appear: a person will not experience the symptoms of asbestosis for 20 year or longer after exposure.


The common "cures" for cancer such as chemotherapy, medication, and radiation therapy will extend the life expectancy of a person suffering from mesothelioma. Surgery can also be an option, though not recommended for people who have been extremely weakened by asbestos-related conditions. Mesothelioma is often fatal, because it is not diagnosed and discovered until the cancer has significantly advanced. It is highly aggressive and a doctor will often prescribe a combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy to combat the development of the cancer.

The best treatment-especially for people who have not contracted the disease yet or have not exhibited the symptoms-is to avoid exposure to asbestos at all costs. This

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