
Asch Conformity

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There are a lot of factors that influence our behavior like genetics, environment, habits, culture, and situations. We as people, act a certain way depending on many aspects of our lives. These aspects are what makes people share a common view, and connect with a group. Solomon Asch, a pioneer in social psychology began early to study the effects of conformity on our behavior. His studies were interesting because it found out why or when people are more inclined to join a group, what factors affect conformity, and if gender had a huge impact on conformity. His study was so important because it scientifically, proved the social factors that affect conformity, and it opened a field of study that has broadened our knowledge on other reason that makes people conform.
Original Study
Solomon Asch, double-blind experiment on finding why people conform to a group was the line judging task, in this task, he had a pair of cards and drew one line on the first card and the three lines on the second card. For this experiment, he had a group of people correctly match the one line to one of the three lines, and asked a person (not aware of the experiment) for their answers, after the group has answered to see their response. Sometimes, the group was right, sometimes …show more content…

The researchers assessed nearly 400 students between the ages of 18 and 29 on various measures of their HIV / AIDS knowledge risk behaviors (such as failure to use condoms, multiple sex partners, alcohol and other drug use, and sexual history). Numerous factors were shown to predict high-risk sexual behaviors, including conformity to peer group pressures. In this test, understanding how conformity pressures affects people's choices about their sexual behaviors might help in fighting the continuing spread of

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