
Asian Carp in the Great Lakes

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There are unwanted visitors threatening to make their home in the Great Lakes. Originally coming from Asia, the fish immigrated to the Mississippi River eventually making their way to the Great Lakes. Let’s take a look at the problem, the causes and effects, and the possible solutions of the Asian Carp Invasion.
Bighead, Silver, Grass, and Black Carp, even though each its own distinct species, all fall under the name “Asian Carp.” They can weigh anywhere from 60 to 110 pounds, and range from 40 to 60 inches in length. Asian Carp are considered an “invasive species,” an organism that is not native and has negative effects on our economy, environment, or our health. Catfish farmers imported Asian Carp long ago to consume algae in ponds. The carp slowly escaped and migrated to the Mississippi River, then eventually to the Great Lakes. Why are Asian Carp such an issue? Although they are mostly not direct predators, they eat up to one third of their body weight. Asian Carp to not eat other fish, but they eat plankton leaving native fish lower on the food chain competing for food to survive. Asian carp also reproduce rapidly and abundantly. A female Bighead Carp can carry up to one million eggs in a lifetime. In result of such profuse reproduction, Asian Carp are overpopulating the Great Lakes. Since, they are so outsized, they take up much space in the lakes. Asian Carp are also among the largest populated species. If Asian Carp continue to establish themselves permanently in

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