
Aspirations Of Success In Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

Aspirations of success often drive individuals toward success. However if one only focuses on their dreams and not on working to achieve their goals, they will not be successful. Charles Dickens and John Steinbeck in their respective novels Great Expectations and Of Mice and Men, use their main characters failures in manifesting their aspirations to warn about the dangers of aspiring about the future and not focusing on success in the present.

Aspirations distract from the requirements of daily life. In John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men George and Candy became fixated on their goals and forgot about their duties in the present. George and Candy’s minds were “popped in the future” and focused on earning money to buy their future house that …show more content…

In Charles Dicken’s Great Expectations Pip does not appreciate the surprise fulfillment of his dreams and only becomes selfish and condescending toward those not as fortunate as he. Pip’s character deration as a result of his inheritance is evidenced by his desire to serve “a gallon of condescension, upon everybody in the village” (Dickens 151). Dickens uses Pips ungrateful attitude toward his home town to illustrate the corruption of aspirations when one did not have to work for his success. Pips continued under appreciation of his success and subsequent failure allow Dickens to rebuild Pip through hard work to and achieve “happiness “and fulfill his dreams meaningfully (Dickens 487). Dickens informs the reader that meaningless wealth and success is worthless, and that true success comes from hard work and passion. Charles Dickens and John Steinbeck in their respective novels Great Expectations and Of Mice and Men, suggest that uncontrolled aspirations are inherently negative and do not lead to success in life. Modern society encourages individuals to aspire to greatness, however we must remember not lose focus on the tasks of the present if we want to achieve meaningful

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