
Assess How Hitler's Ideology Affected Nazi Foreign Policy Between 1933-39

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Karl Marx’s maxim that ‘men make their own history…under given and imposed conditions’ has been tainted by several revisionist historians as the catalyst for Hitler’s foreign policy. A.J.P. Taylor even goes on to argue that Hitler was not only continuing a policy of previous German governments but he also believes Hitler can not be directly implemented in the events which unleashed WW2. However, to attribute Hitler’s foreign policy purely to his opportunistic characteristics would be to ignore his personal motivations and both racist and expansionist ideology. This facile explanation also fails to look at Hitler’s intentions echoed fearlessly throughout his speeches, address, and party literature of reversing the Treaty of Versailles to …show more content…

Other intentionalist historians such as N. Rich and G. Weinberg also point to the fact that writings, speeches and in policy throughout the 1930’s leading Nazi’s identified a consistent thread through their policies relating to ‘race and space.’ They go on to further emphasized the importance of Hitler’s planned foreign policy motivated by racial purity and expansion clearly explored in his Mein Kampf-‘The aim of our political activity must be…the acquisition of land and soil as the objective of our foreign policy.’ Moreover Hitler’s war-like intentions were revealed in the Hossbach Memorandum in 1937 in which he revealed his plans for conquest of Austria and Czechoslovakia with military officials. Though historians feel Hitler always had intentions for a ‘Greater Germany’ as in the invasion of Austria and Sudetenland, J. Clare felt the ‘move into the rest of Czechoslavakia showed that Hitler wanted more than just German land.’ Hitler’s ideological belief in ‘turning [Germany’s eyes towards the land in the East’ is further emphasized by his invasion of Danzig and Poland in 1939. Taylor’s upstart is further dismissed by Ruth Henig argument that through Hitler did not necessarily plan for WW2 he can be implemented

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