
Asylum Seekers Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Concerned that nationality based restrictions at borders between countries in south east Europe is preventing asylum seekers from arriving at countries where they want to lodge protection claims,

Emphasizing that according to the latest survey, there are an estimated 20,000 to 25,000 migrants and asylum seekers currently in Greece, this includes not just its Islands but also its capital Athens,

Expressing deep concern that in Athens, another crisis is unfolding as the authorities aren’t being able to support the incoming refugees and asylum seekers with the basic necessities such as food, water and medical care,

Alarmed by the fact that about 7000 people, including children, are deserted at Idomemi in Greece, while hundreds of others are stuck in other Balkan countries, …show more content…

Noting further that the official refugee and asylum seeker camp at Idomemi can only accommodate 2500 people, thus the people living there are living in filthy conditions with poor hygiene, limited food and a crammed living space,

Noting with regret that failed attempts to legally get into south eastern European countries has let to seekers trying to cross borders informally, facing a lot of violence from border guards and has opened doors to exploitation from human traffickers and drug dealers who are taking advantage of the refugees and seekers committing abuses against them,

Recognizing the EU’S efforts in attempting to curb the crisis, however, their failure to manage the crisis has led to the border situations getting worse, leaving the refugees and asylum seekers even more vulnerable to exploitation and abuse,

Deeply concerned that the poor living standards in refugee camps has led to severe health hazards leaving the refugees increasingly vulnerable to disease,

Taking into account that discriminating and prohibiting people from lodging an asylum claims based on nationality is a violation of international law as well as human

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