
Atticus Finch

Decent Essays

In many circumstances, people show different ways of reacting to a problem. People react with anger, or revenge. Yet some react with wisdom and level-headedness. Although fictional, the character Atticus Finch from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird has the attributes of the wise father figure of the classic novel. Atticus never spoke out against anyone or acted for his own selfishness; but kept his eyes focused on the ones he loved. Through all the persecution he had faced from the town, he kept his head high and fought for what he thought would bring justice. Atticus wanted Jem and Scout to avoid and witness the injustice the town faces. Therefore, in Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird, the character, Atticus Finch, displays a Christ-like heart of compassion, a justice seeking stature and the wisdom of a righteous man.

Throughout the entire book, Atticus treated people with compassion and kindness. Anytime Atticus spent time with his children, it seemed as though they were his whole world. When he read with Scout, he gave thorough care to her. Then with Calpurnia, he treated her as if she grew up in the same home. Atticus has the heart of a person that loves no matter what race or what background that person had. All in all, Atticus not only care for each and every one he knew, but genuinely …show more content…

Atticus passionately fought for the innocence of Tom Robinson, after Tom being falsely accused of a crime the man solely did not commit. His fire to prove to the jury that the blameless man did nothing, he threw his heart into fighting for what he believed, yet the jury could not see the blatant truth. “…this case should never have come to trial. This case is as simple as black and white” (206). Atticus led on to say in court that the jury should know right and wrong, that Tom stood innocent. In summary, Atticus showed his fiery spirit head-on, to stand up to racism and

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