
Atticus Finch Hero

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Whether in the form of a living person or a fictional character from a book or movie, heroes are prevalent in everyone's life. When we hear the word hero the typical view that comes to mind is someone who fights criminals and saves people from mortal dangers, but the true definition of a hero is a courageous person, admired for their brave deeds and noble qualities. The novel “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee uses memorable characters to explore Civil Rights and racism in the 1930’s during the segregation in the Southern states of USA. The story is told through the eyes of Scout Finch; in the story we learn about her father Atticus Finch, an attorney who hopelessly strives to prove the innocence of a black man unjustly accused of rape. …show more content…

Atticus Finch show many heroic traits through the course of the novel; he is empathetic and acts for the greater good and not for himself. On one of the days before the trial, some of the older men in Maycomb came to Atticus’s house to discuss the change for the date of the trial, when Mr. Link Deas says, “Don’t see why you touched it in the first place, You’ve got everything to loose from this, Atticus I mean everything.” I think this quote shows how selfless Atticus is because he chooses to defend Tom Robinson, even though he’s aware of all the disappointment and hatred that comes with doing that. He still tries his best and does an excellent job in defending Tom. Even though Atticus knows at the end there is no chance in winning the trial, he still goes on with defending Tom …show more content…

In the novel Atticus is motivated to change the way people of Maycomb act and think about African Americans. After the trial when Ms. Maudie calls Jem and Scout to have some cake, she talks to them about their father’s job and what he has and is trying to do. She tells them, “Atticus Finch won’t win, he can’t win, but he’s the only man in these parts who can keep a jury out so long in a case like that. And I thought to myself, well, we’re making a step- it’s just a baby step, but it’s a step.” pg. 289. Ms. Maudi is referring to the steps for change Atticus is making. Atticus is trying to show everyone how unfair the judicial system is to the blacks, he’s trying to make the people of Maycomb see what he sees. Atticus sees everyone as an equal human race and he believes that everyone else should also be color blind to other people’s skin color. Atticus is the only person in Maycomb that has realized there should be something done about how African Americans are treated; and he makes sure his children understand this to continue his path later on. On pg. 101 Atticus tells Scout to keep her head high no matter what anyone says about him defending a black man, and when Scout asks him if they’re going to win the trial Atticus replies to her with no. He tells her, “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win.” This quote shows how

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