
Atticus Finch Traits

Decent Essays

Times are always changing and new ideas are born every day, nothing is static. New ideas, always need a radical man or women to help the world see that there are better ways of thinking. The small town of Maycomb county, in Harper Lee’s book To Kill a Mocking Bird, had their man to bring them into this new era of thinking, Atticus Finch. His gentle attitude shows an outstanding amount of kindness, determination, and wisdom. He is faced with difficulties that have been around all his life, and he never once falters in his character. His journey of trying to help Maycomb change, to show that every man is equal, is a battle that is worth telling. Atticus Finch is a man of unwavering character. He sticks to his virtues and is simple, kind man. For example, when Atticus walks past Mrs. Dubose’s house every day, he always greets her with a smile and wishes her a wonderful day. He does this in spite of the fact that he knows she calls him a nigger lover. He would always be a gentleman to Mrs. Dubose and say, “Good evening, Mrs. Dubose! You look like a picture this evening.”(133) His acts of kindness even in the face of cruelty show how true of a man that Atticus Finch was. He never returns fire with fire, it is a rule that seems to be held …show more content…

His wisdom and knowledge helps him handle the situation of Tom’s trial with such grace that it is a thing of beauty to witness. When faced with Mr. Ewell sometime after the trial, Mr. Ewell spat in Atticus’ face and threatened to kill him. Atticus simply grabbed his handkerchief, wiped off his face, and stood there as Mr. Ewell called him names. When Mr. Ewell calls him a coward for not fighting him Atticus says, “No, too old,”(291) and he strolls on. Atticus knows when it is wiser to walk on than to let his actions ruin all of his good work. It is said that a man who walks away from a fight is the high point of a man’s

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