
Aubrey Longfield. 2/11/16. Soc 102. Chapter One: Thinking

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Aubrey Longfield 2/11/16 SOC 102 Chapter One: Thinking About Social Problems What is a Social Problem? There are a few key points to consider when determining if something is a social problem. Some elements of a social problem may be objective and some may be subjective. The first two objective points are first that there must be some existence of a social condition, or a situation that someone has in society. Second that problems are recognized either through the things we see, or through things we hear through the media (radio, television, newspapers etc.). Some subjective elements of social problems are that: the issue is harmful to either society as whole, or a particular group within society, and change needs to occur. Ultimately, …show more content…

Social pathology refers to social problems that result from “sickness” within society. Social disorganization refers to the effects that rapid social change that disrupts norms in society. There is also the conflict perspective which believes that the world is composed of different groups that all compete for power. This idea was developed by Karl Marx. Marxist conflict theories result from economic differences while non-Marxist theories result from competing values. Theoretical perspectives can be viewed from either the macro (big picture) or micro levels. Social Problem Research There are four steps to researching a social problem: 1. Formulate a research question 2. Review literature on the subject 3. Define any variable o your study that are relevant and 4. Formulate a hypothesis or a concluding idea from your gathered research. Chapter Two: Physical and Mental Health and Healthcare The Global Context: Health and Illness around the World Countries are often categorized into three distinct categories based on their economic levels. The first is developed countries, which have high gross national income and diverse economies. The second is developing countries which have simpler economies and lower income. And finally least developed countries which are the lowest level. Life expectancy is the average number of years a person is expected to live. The higher the gross national income level, the higher the life expectancy is. Mortality rates refer to number of

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