
Australia Case Study

Decent Essays

Australia and Australians naturally pursue to advance and maintain the security, economic prosperity and advocate our liberal democratic values by committing and showcasing them internationally. These three aspects are crucial and considered Australia’s key national interests due to their importance and essential benefits. Defence can support and aid us in recovery when we face unpredictable events of adversity. Our liberal democracy demonstrates a strong belief and core system which allows Australians to have political and economic freedom whilst having an approach to international affairs. Australia’s liberal democracy is also strongly linked to and requires a stable and resourceful economy in order for it to function. This enables …show more content…

In the past, our security’s instability decreased by the end of the Cold War however, other potential threats and concerns remained and continue to require further observation. These potential threats could either be the developments in Europe and the Middle East which can have the potential to disrupt global security. Any negative impactful instability in South Asia or Central Asia would also pose a threat to the security of the Asia Pacific (Ron Anderson, SEV Australian Foreign Policy – National interests and Objectives, 6 August 2010). Australia plays a significant role in asserting its power and beliefs in international affairs and organisations, therefore, there is steady tension due to developing countries seeking more power in the existing rules-based order. Australia is firmly tied to and allies of the United Nations due to their aligned social and cultural values and beliefs which include: democracy, law and human rights (Department of Defence 2016). Therefore, the alliance binds us to the expectation of obligation of traditional, bipartisan and defence support for the US like we had provided in the past. We have contributed in the wars in Korea, Vietnam, Gulf, Afghanistan and Iraq wars due to this alliance. This was reinforced and acknowledged strongly under the Howard government through the invocation of ANZUS after the

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