
Author Miller’s Death Of A Salesman: A Family’s Misguided Attempt At The American Dream

Decent Essays

Death of a salesman is a two-act play set in the late 1940s. The death of a salesman is a tragic story of one family’s failed attempt to live the American dream. Majority of the action in the play takes place in the Loman’s home and yard. The Loman family consists of Wily, Linda and their two sons Biff and Happy. Overall I consider Death of A Salesman a fascinating Play.
To begin with I found my self-having difficulty reading the play. I immediately began writing off the play as another story of a retired salesman that went crazy from old age. The first half of Act I was especially tough to get through, but as an avid reader I knew from experience most stories have a slow start so I continued but I found my self constantly confused by the characters and their relationships with each other. The Lomans came across as extremely dysfunctional family. As I continued to read my interest was peaked and I had to find out what caused this family to end up so broken. By the beginning of Act II I was hooked. I found my self becoming focused on Biff’s character and his relationship with his father. Towards the end of Act II I could not put the play down, everything began to make sense and I finally understood the reason behind the stressed relationships between the characters.
After understanding each character and part of their history it was easy to see how certain relationships developed between characters, namely relationships between each member of the family and Willy. As I

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