
Avoid Avoidance Analysis

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Avoidance is not only a central aspect of DID, but it is also a barrier to treating DID. While the development of DID may be adaptive in children, it is less adaptive in the long-term (Maiese, 2016), especially as a central goal of treatment is to fuse together a person’s identities (Pollock, Macfie, & Elledge, 2016). Avoidance prevents this fusion of identities as a person with DID needs to be able to resolve their painful issues, including their traumatic memories, which is especially avoided (ISSTD, 2011). Furthermore, the treatment process itself can be overwhelming for some people who are especially avoidant (Kluft, 2012), such as for those with avoidant personality disorder (Baars et al., 2011). Indeed, avoidance goals have been linked

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