
Ayn Rand 's Morality A Matter Of Principle, Rather Than Divine Revelation Or Subject Desire

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Ayn Rand considers morality a matter of principle, rather than divine revelation or subject desire. Howard Roark, the protagonist of The Fountainhead, is the only character who faithfully and consistently observed his own fundamental and guiding principles, despite the fact that the whole of collectivist society deemed him and his actions entirely evil—especially in regard to dynamiting Cortlandt Holmes. Roark’s main argument for his actions is stated in the courtroom; however, his whole life is his response and justification for the rectitude of any and all of his actions. Roark’s principles are not only rational, but also moral (as one cannot exist without the other): he does not condone the infringement upon the rights of other …show more content…

After the case of Cortlandt Holmes, he acts upon his own words by erecting his building as he designed it through a private owner—no strings of poverty attached to the low rent. Roark told Keating that providing low cost housing was a worthy undertaking, but not at the expense of other men: in this instance, the middle class forced into more expensive (yet more vile) housing due to larger income. “Nobody can afford a modern apartment—except the very rich and the paupers.” Rather than merely concentrating on the “less fortunate” and attempting to aid them specifically, Roark supports genuine equal opportunity, intent upon allowing anyone, regardless of income, to rent at his apartment. Rand maintains that the government’s only natural purpose is to protect the rights of the individual. Roark had his own claims to Cortlandt: by his own principles and standards, by intellectual property rights, and the simple fact it would not have existed were it not for his abilities. “It is said that I have destroyed the home of the destitute. It is forgotten that but for me the destitute could not have had this particular home.” He defined civilization as the process of subordinating society to the moral law of individual rights, and government of the legal implementation of those rights and that law. Since Roark did not infringe upon the life or freedom of any other individual, had intellectual

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