
Babysitting Is Wrong Essay

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What I Do Outside of School and Work is Babysit my Niece and Nephew Usually during my free time, I just decide to offer myself to take care of my sister’s children because they mean the world to me. Babysitting my niece and nephew gives me the chance to bond more with them. I feel that in being of aunt is very important to build up a close relationship with my niece and nephew. I don’t consider babysitting becoming just a skill. It’s a great way to become a part of a little person’s life. Kids always tend to grow up so fast, so that is why I take advantage to spend as much time that I can with my niece and nephew. I find that every cherishing moment is precious. Babysitting is more like a stress reliever during my spare times. It makes me feel that I am doing something productive throughout the day. So when I take care of my niece and nephew I make up certain activities so that they could enjoy such as going out to the park, teaching them their numbers and letters, coloring, painting, and playing tag. Some of these activities are life learning that can …show more content…

They want to be able to have their free space to run around. No toddler wants to be sitting down not doing anything. My niece could be sneaky sometimes when she is getting into my stuff. Her favorite thing to do is get into my makeup. I try to take it out of her sight, but when she sees me applying my makeup she wants to copy what I am doing. She throws her little tantrums when she doesn’t get things her way. Since she is my only niece I tend to spoil her rotten all the time when I go to the store and buy her little fake cosmetics. My nephew is also one with loads of energy who loves to act like certain characters like Batman, Superman, and Captain America. He always wants me to take him to the toy section to buy him a super hero toy. It never hurts to play like a child once in a while, so I don’t mind at all. Every child has his or her own unique

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