
Banning Of The State Of Maharashtra

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Banning of Beef in India One week ago, the Indian state of Maharashtra which is located on the western part of the country banned beef consumption. The government of the region has banned both the possession as well as the consumption of meat. Muslims living on the western part of the country have criticized the move stating it will cause many people to lose their job and increase the poverty rate. On the other hand, the Hindu groups are ecstatic with the move made by the government. Hindus consider cows to be holy and they have already received protection and help from the government to help reflect their beliefs . However, these laws have gone further to restrict the slaughter of bulls and calves. The Bharatiya Janata Party are the forces behind the passing of these new laws. The punishment that follows being found with the offense of breaking these laws are major fines and prison terms that could reach up to five years. Since March 5, 2015 beef has been disappearing from restaurants beginning from Mumbai and slaughter houses have remained closed. It is reported that the party tried to ban the selling and possession of beef 20 years ago but could not since it lost power before it could pass the law. The President of Mumbai Suburban Beef Dealers Association, Mohammad Ali Qureshi expressed grief saying that this ban will affect a lot of butchers, beef retailers, and other parties involved in the business of beef. Although beef consumption has been limited to non-Hindus,

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