
Bartleby The Scrivener Theme Essay

Decent Essays

he Analyzation of the Themes inof Bartleby the Scrivener Compassion is defined as a sympathetic consciousness of others distress together with a desire to alleviate the problem. The idea of compassion is explored in Herman Melville’s novella, Bartleby the Scrivener. The narrator, who is a lawyer, struggles with his conscience and dealing with his employee, Bartleby. In doing so, the themes of alienation, man’s desire to avoid conflict, and man’s desire to keep a free conscience are explored. Alienation is developed in several ways throughout the story. Initially it seems that Bartleby’s desire to be alone is his character trait, much like the tendencies of the other employees; Turkey, Nippers, and Ginger Nut. The lawyer initiates the isolation by the way he “procured a high green folding screen” (Melville 16). Bartleby also alienated himself from the other employees by refusing to participate in required tasks with the phrase “I would prefer not to.” …show more content…

The lawyer avoided conflict with Bartleby to keep his mind happy and to make Bartleby’s working conditions comfortable for him. There was something about Bartleby that made the lawyer feel pitiful towards him. One act of avoiding conflict was when the lawyer arrived early to his office and found that his key would not unlock his door. Bartleby opened the door and told the lawyer he “better walk round the block two or three time, and by that time he would probably have concluded his affairs” and the lawyer did so to avoid conflict (Melville 29). Tthe employer even went so far as to move office instead of having to confront Bartleby and have him physically removed from the premises of his

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