
Baseball Is No Fun, It's No Longer A Game

Decent Essays

According to Joe DiMaggio, “When baseball is no longer fun, it’s no longer a game.” Since baseball is my favorite sport, I have many stories of baseball moments. Some of the moments include bad umpires (in my opinion,) and walkoffs. These are some of the best things that you can talk about when you are talking baseball, but there are even greater things like being the first black players to play professionally.

Before you get to hear the amazing stories, I will give you a background of the game that is called baseball. In the World Wars the soldiers were bored when they were not battling. They would get together in a grassy patch and they would use a decent sized rock and a stick. They would play just like baseball today, except some things. Now you don’t throw a baseball at the hitter to get them out, but back then that is what they did, they would have a few minor changes like how to play the game. Now it is developed fully and they have fixed the rules. The league didn’t become a league until the year 1846. In 1846 the first major league baseball game was played featuring the Cincinnati Red Stockings. At that time African americans could not play they were still being segregated, they were being cursed at and more horrible things. One man changed the game of baseball forever and his name is Jackie Robinson. He was the first black to play professional baseball, and it took a long time for that to happen because everybody in the league was rejecting him. One

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