
Basketball Monologue

Decent Essays

My name shawn and I live in NewYork.I play basketball for my school.I get straight a's and B' I do good in school I pass all my test and I do all my work.But my mom said we will move out from NewYork then she said not right now so I can stay for my last season of basketball.last year I could not play because I messed up my leg twice playing football with my friends.So I went to the docter and they said I had could not play this season I had to rest my leg.The second time me and my friend was play fighting in my house and when i went to go slam him my leg twisted and then it broke my mom took me to my docter he told me that I broke my leg and I had to sit out the whole season becase last time he said if I rest it I can play but then the second leg injury came and now I had to sit out the whole season I was really mad but I told my self that it was my fault. …show more content…

After he got done the teacher graded them and he got a 100%. He was really suprised and happy he thought he was going to fail the test because he did not study.So as the day went pass after school they had basketball practice.The only thing they were is working on there plays and doing shooting drills.They had a game coming up and Shawn is ready to play.He said he going to drop 30 points and they play the number one team in the league theycalled the bulldogs they were really nice.So when he goes home when he gets home his mom tells him to go get in the shower.So when he gets out he eats and then goes to

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