
Battle On The Bulge : The Battle Of The Bulge

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On the eve of World War II, the United States field artillerymen were hesitant to go into war and fight; with the recent defeat of our French and British Allies by the German Forces. The Germans were equipped with modern mobile armored welfare, including the 105mm howitzer as their main artillery weapon. The United States had to quickly develop and produce modern artillery weapon systems to fight the Germans. This would ultimately prove to be a key contributing factor that led to the defeat of the Germans in the largest land battle of World War II, The Battle of the Bulge.
The Battle of the Bulge, also called the Ardennes Offensive, was Hitler’s last major offensive on the Western Front. The Battle of the Bulge took place on December 16, 1944 when the Germans launched their surprise attack on Allied Forces on the Western Front stretching from a heavily wooden forest of Ardennes to southern Belgium, Luxembourg, and into Germany. The ultimate goal of Hitler was to put a wedge between America and Allied Forces and gain control of the Belgian port of Antwerp to force the Allies in the West to negotiate peace in the Axis power favor, so that Hitler could then turn and fully focus on the Eastern Front (Cole). More than one million men took part in The Battle of the Bulge to include 500,000 Americans, 600,000 Germans, and 55,000 British Allies (Dictionary of American History).
The German artillery, from the 75-mm infantry with howitzers up to 210-mm heavy battalions, were

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