All my life I have felt the urge to help others. Whether it be by just assisting someone in everyday needs or by helping them through hardships and struggles, I would always try my very best to make them happy. Over time I decided to extend this urge to help others by embarking on a path towards a medical career, specifically on the way to becoming a pediatrician. This would be the perfect career for me. I currently work at a childcare center and I see that to the parents and to our communities that children are the most precious and promising icons of the future. Becoming a pediatrician would allow me to care for and protect these precious children. This would not only allow me to help the children but would also allow me to help so many others.
While growing up, there are innumerable decisions to be made and paths to take. As I am approaching the ending point of my high school career, I have finally found the correct one for me. I have known from a surprisingly young age that I wish to pursue a job in the medical field, and have taken a number of steps to help achieve this dream. I show tremendous passion for both my educational and career goals, and how to reach them. My future is incredibly important to me because through doing my job, I will also be achieving my biggest goal: saving lives.
I came to America from Vietnam when I was just three years old. I spent a majority of my life with my grandma, who has always taught me the importance of helping others. She always told me to have; you must give, and if you have nothing to give, you can always give your time. This phase has been a huge guide in my life, and it has truly shaped me into who I am. At a young age, I always felt that my purpose in life was to help people. After attending many doctor visits with my grandma for her health check-ups, I was confident my future occupation would be in the medical field. During these frequent doctor visits, I had the chance to watch the interactions and cooperation among different healthcare professionals in different settings. Being in this inspiring environment, I hoped one day I could mirror them and make a difference in people’s lives and the community. Although I have always wanted to help those in need, I was uncertain of what specific career role would allow me to fulfill my passion for helping others.
When giving medical care and treatment to kids especially, you are helping an entire family. Their world comes apart when their child is injured or sick. In the future, I hope to one day be a pediatrician and restore that world for parents and their children. By volunteering at various hospitals, and especially Texas Health Plano, I will be broadening my horizons as well as experiencing a small part of the medical field which I someday hope to be a part of.
“What do you want to be when you grow up?” As a child, we have all been asked this question; and as unrealistic children, we all had dreams of being a superhero, princess, cowboy, or astronaut. Later on in life, as time went by, and as we became more knowledgeable, our answers became more serious. Some of us wanted to be teachers, business owners, or a veterinarian. However, I have always wanted to be a doctor, but not just any doctor. For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to be a pediatrician. Now, half way through my junior year in high school, I have started to question the details of this career, and all the hard work it takes to become a part of the medical field.
Starting at a young age, it has been my heart’s desire to help and care for people. Due to this strong urge I find a career in the medical field most appealing. More specifically, I would like to enter the field of pediatrics because of an overwhelming want and need to
Growing up with my grandparents had helped me determine my decision of pursuing a career in the medical field. My grandparents were Chinese farmers who would always reaching out for our neighbors and providing them with life needs. By growing up with them, I obtain their personalities as well. They taught me to be humble, responsible and caring. I remember a quote by Stephen Richard, “When you reach out to those in need, do not be surprised if the essential meaning of something occurs.” This quote was later proven by my own experience, which I would get this indescribable gratification I get after helping someone. Therefore, I wanted to become someone who can reaching out for others as my grandparents ever since I was little. Being in the
I have been able to see the joy on a child’s face when they finally make a shot, the joy on their face when they learn how and when to cross the street, and the joy on their face when they realize that they have the potential to be anything they want to be in life. Being able to watch this all happen has allowed me to realize that I want to see these kinds of amazing reactions every day for the rest of my life. On top of this, I want to be the one to allow them to have this reaction. To me, it is the best feeling in the world when I know that I have helped someone do something they felt they couldn’t do before. This being said, my volunteer work has persuaded me into the direction of the medical field. I feel this has happened because the medical field gives me an enormous variety of ways to impact lives
Ever since I was a little girl, I have been interested in the field of medicine. Specifically, I want to be a Physician Assistant and work in a Pediatric Hospital. My Mother is a huge influence on my choice to pursue this career. She was a Firefighter and a Paramedic but recently decided to go back to college for a Bachelors in Psychology to become a Physical Therapist. An area of specialization in medicine that interests me is Emergency Pediatric Care. This area interests me because I love children and want to be able to help kids who have been ill or injured. When I was younger, I went to the hospital with my younger cousin Kylie. She suffers from cerebral palsy and I remember watching the doctors taking care and making sure Kylie was comfortable
This semester I began my minor Pediatric Clinical research. One of the guest lecturers who came in was Dr. Edward Clark, Chair of Department of Pediatrics and Medical Director at Primary Children’s Hospital. I learned an incredible amount from his lecture on the importance and complexities of caring for patients. Dr. Clark shared a French proverb that resonated with me: "guérir quelquefois, soulager souvent, consoler toujours" or in English, to "cure occasionally, relieve often, console always". Most importantly, helping as a nurse is putting others before yourself. These are four principles that I believe are crucial to helping as a nurse.
Samuel Hahnemann once said “The physician's highest calling, his only calling, is to make sick people healthy to heal, as it is termed.” Over multiple years of being posed the question “What do you want to be when you grow up? I have come to the conclusion that I want to become a physician or at least I think I do. Who wouldn’t want to help save lives? As a physician, I am presented with the opportunity to help better communities all around the world for the rest of my life. I always wanted to try to make a difference that people would appreciate. As I researched this profession, I discovered that because of physicians and their ability to use medical science, the life expectancy in the United States has more than doubled between 1990-2013
I have had a passion for becoming a healthcare provider for children for quite a while (for a long time). Children are one of the most important individuals of society because they are the future and will one day be in charge of the world. Their health at a young age is indicative to how their health will be as adults. Childhood has a great effect on how a person turns out to be so I hope to help children I hope to use prevention and education to preserve and restore the health of my patients. My career goals are to prevent children from having to spend time in hospitals or in pain and to help them live out their life and dreams to the fullest extent. Children play a very large role in their families, and when a child becomes sick, the whole family becomes distressed. Pediatricians not only heal children, but they help and prevent a family from suffering. I love medicine and children, and I hope to combine these two passions by becoming a pediatrician.
Especially since there is not that many people available to attend to work with children and are often busy working with other children in the emergency room. . Also since I was little I was always been influenced by the doctors and nurse who help out with children. This is like some miracles that are being performed every day. Which left me very inspired even though it will take me so many years to get too where I really wanted to do in the future. An experience that when my friend Mabel told me that I can do my future career and try to be yourself around
When I was a child, I dreamt about being a doctor helping others. I knew at the early age of 7 that I wanted to make a difference in others’ lives. After the death of my mother in 1999, I slowly changed my mind about what I wanted to do with my life. I told myself that I would do whatever it took to help bring justice for families that go through what I went through with the death of my mother. As I was going through college I realized that criminal justice wasn’t for me after working in the field. I sat there one day wondering what I would do next and I realized I have a passion for helping others; and I love babies, so why not use that to my advantage. That is how I ended up here at Southern Careers Institute pursuing a career in the
My true passion for helping others begins with my mother. My mother, Carla worked for Gallipolis Developmental Center for many years as a nursing assistant. Unfortunately, she sustained a severe back injury that ended her career. In 2006, she was rushed into emergency back surgery after several herniated discs ruptured. This left her with severe back pain that she will suffer with for the rest of her life. As a result, I learned to care and to have compassion for those in need. My passion to work in pediatrics stems from my experience of being an aunt. I became an aunt at the age of four and I am now an aunt to six beautiful,
I realized that the inspirations that I have for taking care of the needs of others were not limited on only a career as a physician. When asked what my goals in life are, I only have the simplest but most meaningful answer, I want to help. In my heart no amount of money or prestige can comfort or take the desire that is embedded in me to help meet the needs of others.