When I came to school in August I thought I had my four years here at Harding completely planned out. I wanted to study to become a RN and eventually come back to Harding a few years after graduation and get my M.D. to become a Nurse Practitioner. But, these plans quickly changed. The more I learned about the different programs Harding offers the more interested I became in new career fields. Eventually, I was able to choose my major to be Exercise Science with hopes to apply to the Physician Assistant program after graduation. The biggest part of my reason for wanting to pursue this path is the versatility of the career. Currently, I want to work in pediatrics, but if I were to change my mind I could work in anything from dermatology to geriatrics
Twelve hospital stays, nine surgeries, and fourteen years later, you would think this patient and his family would have had enough hospital stays for a lifetime. He grew up with type I diabetes, which later put stress on his kidneys causing them to fail. He desperately needed a kidney transplant. The patient is my dad and I was just the little girl in the hospital room watching it all.
In the Medical field there is always going to be needs for people to fill certain jobs. One job that is interesting is a Physician assistant. A Physician assistant is a person who is qualified to carry out the same routine and procedures as physician under an actual physician's supervision. This job is interesting because it has to take care of everything a physician does except they are in a supervised environment. People would be interested in being a physician assistant because it deals with many different medical situations.
The role of a physician assistant was created specifically to help adjust for the shortages of physicians. Unfortunately, these shortages are occurring in underserved communities that need readily available healthcare facilities and employees. Physician assistants, are trained to be able to handle a wide variety of health disease, and with a background in public health physician assistants are able to extend the “one provider, one patient” mentality and focus on the community as a whole. PAs not only treat disease, but they also promote health, decreasing healthcare demand through preventive care. For example, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has four foundational health principles that align with the type of care that PAs
Even though the medical profession seems to be swamped with choices, you will find it difficult to select one good option for your needs when you actually need to choose one. It means that you need to pre-plan and take appropriate action accordingly that will help you in becoming a successful medical professional.
Other things to keep in mind when applying for these physician assistant programs are things like the GRE and more importantly, the citizenship requirement that may intervene with my plans. Though I have a permit to legally reside and work in the United States, I am not considered a citizen or a permanent resident. This could be a big problem when applying because a requirement listed is that the applicant must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident. Applicants should be citizens or permanent residents because insurance is required to participate in the clinical rotations. I believe this will be the most difficult part of my journey to becoming a PA but like all the other challenges I have faced due to my legal status, I will overcome it. I will use this personal issue in my favor by explaining that having to live with it has only made me more resilient and I would relate it back to their mission statements which all state that one of their priorities is to serve the underserved communities. Because of my status, I relate to these underserved communities because I
A Physician Assistant (PA) is defined as a mid-level medical practitioner who works under the supervision of a licensed doctor (an MD) or osteopathic physician (MedicineNet). Although a Physician Assistant need not be physically supervised at all times while performing his or her duties, some form of communication and contact between or with a physician or doctor is mandated. If employed by the federal government, one has the necessary credentials needed to practice and perform services, such as ordering/interpreting lab tests, testing physical examinations, prescribing medicines, and counseling patients (ASAPA). Over the years, it has been stereotyped that more women than men are involved in this department, healthcare is too expensive, and
Kacey TylerWhen becoming a medical assistant there is certain requirements. Medical assistants perform both clinical and administrative duties and assist a variety of providers including physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants. When pursuing an education in medical assisting, it is worth considering programs accredited by a nationally recognized certifying body, such as Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or the Accrediting Bureau of Health Education SA comprehensive medical assisting program consist of three, distinct segments: administrative, clinical, and an externship.You must be in school for at least 10 months to 2 years in college. A background check is required and any little thing can stop you from getting certified.
As most kids grow up, their dream job changes all the time. One week they want to fly to the moon as an astronaut while the next week they want to rule the world as president. However, I’ve always wanted to help people by being a doctor. I would sit in front of the television mesmerized for hours by various trauma shows. I preformed surgery on my stuffed animals and diagnosed my friends and family with different fake illnesses. As I continued to grow up, I realized there is many types of jobs in the medical field that preform a variety of different services. After researching the different options, I fell in love with the idea of being a physician assistant (PA). A PA, supervised by a doctor, has the freedom to interpret tests, record progress, and diagnose patients. In order to become a PA, it takes a lot of schooling, but it is a rewarding job that I would be very good at. Ten years from now, I will be a great physician assistant due to the characteristics I already posses and the education that I will be receiving in the future.
Monitoring patients and my performance in front of the patient. They have to be aware of their surroundings and keep calm. Speaking clearly to the patient and anyone they are talking to.
While writing about oneself might be one of the hardest things for some of us to do, I'm sure that figuring out the personality of the person behind the words might be equally as hard. So I'll try to make this as simple yet as comprehensive as possible. I was born in Austria to Somali parents and grew up in Saudi Arabia, went to med school in Sudan and am finally here to practice medicine in Canada. So as you might see, the common question 'Where are you from?' takes a little longer for me to answer as do other Somali refugees around the world and am glad to finally find a place I can truly call home.
After having a horrific knee injury, I became interested in Orthopedics. My whole life I have been interested in achieving a job in the medical field. Going to a hospital for any reason, always was the fascination of my day. I never thought of becoming a physician assistant until I sat down with my mom one night to help me decide my future. My dream job would be to pursue a career as a Physician Assistant and specialize in Orthopedics. A physician assistant, known as a PA, is someone who practices medicine on teams with physicians, surgeons, and other healthcare workers. They also examine, diagnose, and treat patients. The role of a physician assistant is basically just like the physician. They do the same task an attending does, except perform
Day by day, the demand of a medical profession is increasing. In every era or any situation, we need someone to help us for our health. As stated in bls.gov, employment of physician assistants is projected to grow 30 percent from 2014 to 2024; it is much faster than the average for all occupations. As demand for healthcare services grows, physician assistants will be needed to provide care to patient.
In ten years from now I can see myself as a certified Physicians Assistant in the specialty of Urgent Care in a hospital here in San Antonio, Texas.
What is a CMA? A CMA, also known as a certified medical assistant, is an individual that has been awarded a certification credential through the Certifying Board of the American Association of Medical Assistants(AAMA). CMA has been educated in a wide scope of general, clinical, and administrative responsibilities. They were also tested. CMAs play major roles in the medical field, by aiding other professionals to help patients. Being a certified medical assistant takes time, the process maybe complicated but in the end of the day it may be worth it.
There are more than 100,000 certified Physician Assistants practicing medicine in the United States. PA’s have a very high starting salary and get to do a lot of hands on work. After just two years of schooling you can come out making an average of $94,000. Being stuck at a desk all day is dreadful, and physician assistants get to choose what they want their work environment to look like. Job opportunities for a PA are expected to go up by more than thirty percent between 2010 and 2020. When you are a PA you have a huge amount of flexibility to choose your specialization. I know that a PA is the best career choice for me because i love to work with people and enjoy social interaction, i love to have flexibility to be able to spend time with my family, and there are very good benefits and there will always be job openings.