
Becoming An Intellectual And Competent Nurse

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To become an intellectual and competent nurse, I believe that I should strive to be well-rounded in a variety of aspects. My experiences as a former outpatient, a nursing assistant trainee, and being part of a patient’s family make up the foundation of my personal nursing philosophy. Furthermore, I am aware that self-care, empathy, culture, communication, advocacy and education are some of the most significant factors that all individuals should be informed of before choosing a career path in the health care setting. I will also take account of the knowledge I have obtained from class lectures and personal experiences and apply what I have learned into my nursing practice. In March 2013, I was rushed to Overlake Hospital due to experiencing a tonic-clonic seizure during my 7:30 A.M. English class. Spending a few hours at the hospital with my parents felt like a waste of time because we were never given any details about the incident. According to a study, “Being a safety advocate implies that nurses have the skills and knowledge required to recognize a patient concern…” (Walrath, Immelt, Ray, van Graafeiland, & Himmelfarb, 2015, p. 174). Our main concern was to find out what had caused the seizure and what I can do to keep another one from happening but the nurses were not able to address any risk factors that could have possibly triggered it. As a health care professional, I would reassure my patients that I am delighted to answer questions and make any clarifications

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