
Benjamin Franklin Almanack Essay

Decent Essays

“In 1732 Benjamin published Almanack under the name Richard Saunders.” He made it both entertaining and useful, and that made it very profitable. The Almanack contained old proverbs of wisdom from many nations. They were copied and printed all abroad. Benjamin considered his newspaper another way to communicate, where he sometimes published moral writers and his own works. He made sure he did not print libeling or personal abuse. If someone came to him with such an article he would print it separate from his paper. The person was free to hand out their own works, but Franklin was not going to subject his subscribers to such opinions. “In 1733 Benjamin sent a journeyman to Charleston, where a printer was needed”. Franklin agreed to pay one-third of the expense to get the same in profits. Unfortunately, the man only paid him sometimes, but upon is death his wife took over his position. She sent Franklin detailed income and expense accounts, paid him what her husband owed, and once the contract was over bought the entire business. Franklin thought bookkeeping a good trade for women. In the event, they become widowed, it …show more content…

At the annual election, a new member made a speech against the reelection of Franklin in hopes to get another person elected, but that failed. Franklin did not like the disapproval of the new member, and decided it was best to try and become his friend. Franklin heard he had a library and decided to attempt to bond over the love of books. He asked the man to borrow a book, in which his request was granted. At the next meeting, they spoke to one another and formed a friendship that lasted through death. Benjamin was recruited as deputy of Philadelphia by Colonel Spotswood. The previous deputy was negligent with the accounts, and it was known that Franklin could do the job. The income was not much, but he took the job because it helped him gain stories for his

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