
Beowulf Epic Hero Essay

Decent Essays

Reed Hammock
Ms. Collier
English/Block B
8 November 2016
Boundless Beowulf
In Seamus Heaney’s translation of the epic poem, “Beowulf”, the portrayal of Beowulf as an epic hero illustrates the Anglo-Saxon values of being an honorable and great warrior, having great strength and courage, and being confident in one’s ability.
For instance, when Beowulf comes to Herot, he portrays the epic hero traits of great strength and courage by taking the task of defeating Grendel. As he arrives, Unferth tries to discredit his honor, “The fact is, Unferth, if you were truly / as keen and courageous as you claim to be / Grendel would never have got away with such unchecked atrocity” (590-592) Most warriors, when faced a killing murderous monster, would run away in fear. Beowulf on the other hand stands up in courage to put an end to this beast’s reign of terror. The hero stands up against the …show more content…

Preparing for his fight with Grendel, Beowulf states, “I hereby renounce / sword and the shelter of the broad shield, / the heavy war board” (436-438) Beowulf believed that in order for his fight to be fair with Grendel, he needed to fight him weaponless and armor less. Beowulf’s honor as a warrior and the tenets he lives by prompted him to take this course of action. His actions again illustrated the Anglo Saxon value and epic hero trait of being a great warrior. After Beowulf’s battle with Grendel he takes his arm as a trophy, “there was no honed iron hard enough / to piece him through, no time-proofed blade / that could cut his brutal, blood caked claw” (987-989) Beowulf’s ability to take the arm off this beast that no blade could pierce, exemplifies his ability as a cunning, strong, and great warrior. He was able to do what no man could, illustrating again the Anglo Saxon value of being a great

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