
Beowulf Life Lessons

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the life lessons that consisted in Beowulf are in order to win a match we have to first be fair in it, we have to be loyal and we need to have courage to face the bad things in our lives. Gilgamesh needed to learn how to treat his people right and not use the women as mere toys to be played with and took his men to long and weary battles.
Beowulf has two similar traits with me being loyal and being fair. As for Gilgamesh the only trait that would be same for me is repenting after a mistake that has happened. For Gilgamesh it happened when Enkidu died and for Beowulf it is when he took up the opportunity to kill the beast that was troubling King Horthgar.
I would say to Gilgamesh to rule his people with his heart and mind and not go back to

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