
Beowulf Quotes

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Quotations Responses P.1 “Behaviour that’s admired is the path to power among people everywhere.” This is saying that behaving in a way that pleases people and looks good through other people’s eyes will lead you to a place of high power. It just reminds me so much of our government and leaders today because have been looked up too and admired and selected by the people because of their honorable lifestyles. P.2 “And a clear song of a skilled poet telling with mastery of man’s beginnings how the Almighty had made the earth a gleaming plain girdled with waters.” This is describing the songs coming from the halls of Heorot. Grendel is forced to listen to the songs, they slowly torture him and exploit his yearning to be accepted through God’s …show more content…

Why does god favor Beowulf? Is this an added part by the author after oral tradition. P.9 "And his glee was demonic...but his fate that night was due to change, his days of ravening had come to an end." This is a foreshadow of Grendel's fate. This basically hints that Grendel will not make it much longer. It states that Grendel is going to die. So I think Beowulf is going to kill him. P.10 "When they joined the struggle there was something they could not have known at the time, that no blade on earth, no blacksmith's art could ever damage their opponent." Grendel is strong. Many men tried to fight him. However, Grendel has the "mark of Cain." This is a mark by God. God told Cain that he would protect him with the mark, people around them knew who he was. P.11 "so now, Beowulf, I adopt worldly goods than won't be yours." Greatest Honor. Adoption is the opposite of Banishment. connection for 2 countries. Why would he do this? Is it just to honor or to have an extremely strong "heir"? P.12 Beowulf, son of Ecgtheow, spoke: wise sir do not grieve. It is always better to avenge dear ones than to indulge in mourning....Let whoever can win glory before death. Bear up and be the man I expect you to …show more content…

P.13 "But he soon found his battle-torch extinguished: the shining blade refused to bite." Beowulf realizes that his sword is not going to help him slay Grendel's mom. He finds out that the sword will not kill her or damage her in anyway. So I think Beowulf will find another weapon or a way to kiss her. P.14 "Two forebodings disturbed him in his wisdom, but one was stronger: nevermore would they meet each other face to face." Foreshadows Hrothgar's death. Good King: wisdom. What is the other foreshadow??? is it just Beowulf's departure? P.15 "The body gaped at the stroke dealt to it after death: Beowulf cut the corpse's head off." Beowulf found Grendel's body and decides to prove Grendel dead by cutting off his head and swimming to the top of the water with it. P.16 "I marched ahead of him, always at the front of the line;...As long as this sword shall last. " When his sword does finally break his kinsman takes the lead to attempt to slay the dragon. Shows Beowulf's courage. P.17 P.18 " should he alone be left to fall in battle? We must bond together, shield and helmet, mail-shirt and

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