
Betrayal And Redemption In 'The Kite Runner'

Satisfactory Essays

The Kite Runner Many themes were mentioned in the Kite Runner, but the ones that reflect the life of Amir is betrayal and redemption, the immigrant experience and love. Other themes that were mentioned were forgiveness and social class and ethnic tensions. Betrayal and redemption reflected Amir’s life in many ways. Betrayal can be considered a form of sin , it ends up being the cyclical in the novel. Throughout most of the Kite Runner, the novel Amir tries to deal with his guilt by avoiding it and focusing on something else. Obviously this does not do anything toward redeeming himself, therefore his guilt endures him. Whenever Hassan’s name is mentioned he feels uncomfortable and cringes. Amir is betrayed by his own father, he then began to realize that everything that he thought he knew about his father is a lie. But his father is dead for fifteen years so there is nothing Amir can really do, he tries getting over this feeling of betrayal by rescuing …show more content…

This novel demonstrates the difficulty of Amir and Baba among many other Afghans who struggle to leave their homeland. When leaving a country like Afghanistan during that time era was very risky, under cover of night, not knowing the next passage. Most immigrants usually die before making to their new and safer home. In addition they have to deal with the perception of them and those who were left or stayed behind. Amir begins to realize this when he returns to Afghanistan. He also began to realize that the adjustment to a new country is not just about learning a new language it is about learning how to adapt, maintain traditions and semblance of his own country. Babe loses his status and still has his old world prejudices, thus demonstrating the precarious balance between old and new. Soraya and her mother also demonstrate the difficult role that women have to balance expectations of an old culture with the new world in which they are

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