
Beyond Good and Evil Essay

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In Beyond Good and Evil, Nietzsche discusses how he is not a believer in democracy. The principles of democracy were put together by levelers, or people that believe in democracy. These principles lead to equality that restrains life to one universal truth and Nietzsche did not agree with this idea at all. He believed that these principles caused people to form into one large herd. In this herd, people follow one another with no will to power, which results in the downfall of individual rights and instincts. This makes the herd the definition of morality in society, which Nietzsche disagrees with. But he brings up the idea of neighbor love. Neighbor love is the idea that we are all in one herd so we are all equal which creates us to all …show more content…

Levelers are the people who have put democracy into effect. The levelers submit to one universal happiness and truth that is not absolute. According to Nietzsche, these people are “stupid, brutish, and bullish” (26) because they praise or blame an action due to its morals. Nietzsche believes we need to overcome our morals and recognize our intentions and motives for our actions. Our assumptions and prejudices in a democratic society make us ignore our true deep thoughts because people conform into one group or heard that believe in the same ideas and morals. In a herd of a people, no one is greater than anyone else. Nietzsche believes that our true instincts are our motives for action and if we ignore them then we are only conforming to a herd. It may be “awkward and difficult for the ear to hear something new; we are bad at listening to unfamiliar music”(81), but we should not be afraid to experience “more morality” (81). I believe that more morality means that morality needs to be expanded to a combination of ideas from the past, even if the go against the morals in place. Not everyone has the will to experience more morality; therefore, in Nietzsche’s society these people would fail because people are too afraid to adjust to something new. In the pre-moral period, they would be considered slaves because somebody must suffer for success to be achieved. The thought of the herd is to praise the people that may fail and suffer in Nietzsche’s

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