
Billy Elliot Quotes

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In life we all have goals and dreams. Determination is one way to achieve them, but can we achieve on determination alone? Is there something else a person needs to help them achieve their dreams? This idea is explored in the four texts The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, Macbeth by William Shakespeare, ‘Billy Elliot’ directed by Stephen Daldry, and ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou. In the poem, ‘Still I Rise’ by Maya Angelou, the persona is speaking on behalf of all the black women who have ever suffered from prejudice and oppression. “You may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise.” She is speaking out against all her oppressors and telling them that they can no longer treat her as they have in the past and that she has …show more content…

“I don’t want a childhood. I want to be a ballet dancer.” But despite all his determination Billy could not reach his goal without the support of his family, who at the start were dead set against the idea. This situation reminds me of Macbeth, who without the support and encouragement of Lady Macbeth never would have become King. “I have no spur that pricks the sides of my intent, but only vaulting ambition.” This quote shows us that Macbeth has absolutely no other motive to kill King Duncan, only his powerful determination to become the King himself. But despite his intense ambition Macbeth did not have the courage to see the deed through. Lady Macbeth’s support made him change his mind, without her he never would have succeeded. Likewise, with ‘Billy Elliot’, Billy needed his dad’s complete support to aid his determination. Once Billy’s dad, Jacky, had changed his mind, Billy’s dream was completely in his grasp. By putting Billy’s dream ahead of himself and pushing past his fear of judgement, Jacky allowed Billy to do something that he never could have done on his own. “Let’s give the boy a f**king chance!” In both cases of ‘Billy Elliot” and Macbeth, the support of their loved ones was the difference between success and

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