
Biological Influence Of Male Homosexuality

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(1) LeVay, S. and Hamer, D., 1994. Evidence for a Biological Influence in Male Homosexuality. Scientific American, [e-journal] Available through: Research Gate website [Accessed 17 March 2016].

The research article suggests a structure within the human brain and a genetic link indicate the biological factor for male homosexuality. The journal investigates an experiment about the role of male genetics in sexual orientation by analysing the hypothalamus in autopsy specimens from homosexual and heterosexual men. Increased possibilities of same-sex orientation were discovered in the maternal male cousins and uncles of the participants, instead of their father or parental relatives. Also, the researchers discovered a brain cell group ‘INAH’ had a potentiality of being the sex-orientated DNA, indicating that the reason of homosexuality may be related to genetics.

The research is conducted by by Simon LeVay and Dean H. Hame. LeVay earned a doctorate in neuroanatomy at the University of Gottingen in Germany. He then went to Harvard University to work on the brain’s visual system, and later the Salk Institute for Biological Studies to head the vision laboratory. In 1992 he found the Institute of Gay and Lesbian Education. Hamer received his Ph.D. in biological chemistry from Harvard in 1977. He studies the role of genes both in sexual orientation and in complex medical conditions. Both researchers were renowned in the biology area attests to the validity of this source.

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