
Bishop Robert P. Deeley Analysis

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Bishop Robert P. Deeley sent a letter out to the general public urging them to vote no on question 1. Question 1, he feels goes against the Church’s teaching of treating your body like a temple. Bishop Deeley backs up his opinion by explaining to us that in regard to passing question one, there are a multitude of consequences that would hurt Maine. School aged people will increase usage of marijuana and there are lasting neurological effects that can be permanent. Bishop calls upon the state of Colorado, which legalized marijuana, as an example of what not to do. “The use of marijuana by the youth of Colorado has increased by 20 percent since legalization. The young people in Colorado rank first in the nation for marijuana use, and illegal …show more content…

Deeley is against question 1 and thinks that all members of society, specifically ones part of the Church, should oppose it …show more content…

Tobacco and alcohol are decremental to an individual’s heath, however that person has the right and responsibility to take care of their own body. You can’t set limitations on substances that when used responsibly, pose no major threat to society. The problem arises when you don’t have these limitations to ensure that the drug is being used responsibly. Because marijuana has no way of being measured, comparable to how alcohol is tested, I feel that more research needs to be done in order to fully support the question. I also am opposed to the idea that the question doesn't have an age restriction. The United States government does have a constraint that wouldn’t allow anyone under the age of 21 to use marijuana. However, the widespread acceptance and commercialization of the drug would make it easier to obtain as well as dilute the illegal connotation it currently gives off. The fact is, is that the youth will be able to purchase the drug regardless of the law, but question one will only make it seem less of an offense in their

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