
Black Codes, Redemption, And Jim Crow

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David W. Blight of Yale University said, “The nation needed to heal the sectional divide in order to function as one country.” Healing to African Americans meant trying to understand their role as a citizen, reuniting family members, and establishing their new freedoms as citizens. Many problems interfered with this process. Black codes, Redemption, and Jim Crow are all examples of initial offering and then revoking of freedoms toward African Americans throughout Reconstruction. African Americans did not lose without a fight though; some even maintained it. Blacks resisted their revocation of their freedom through the development of Alliances and Leagues, which helped them liberate themselves of black codes and white supremacy. African …show more content…

Land ownership was another one of those obstacles. Important to African Americans because they felt they had a right to something that had been developed by their own hands. Eventually African Americans assert their status as freemen to voice their opinion, and as time passes African Americans grow increasing knowledgeable of their rights as citizens, and knowing those rights made life a little easier for blacks in the south. That voice eventually got louder, so when they saw owning land as the highest form of freedom, African Americans everywhere demanded land from the federal government as compensation for the years of slavery they had gone through. (40 acre Wiki) Though most African Americans never received their land, they developed a “nothing is impossible” attitude and it built confidence and courage for any further challenges against their freedoms and rights as citizens. Knowledge and understanding is key to success and that’s what African Americans developed over the previous battle with black codes. Blacks saw opportunity in adverse situation, such as overcoming black codes which led to overcoming sharecropping. Through that adverse situation, blacks created a way to go around the sharecropping system by eventually forming the “Colored Farmers National Alliance.” African Americans saw the opportunity to sponsor their own cooperative stores where members could obtain necessary goods and equipment at a reduced price, published newspapers to help educate

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