
Black Death DBQ Essay

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At this moment, there are about 7.3 billion people on this planet. Imagine waking up one morning and finding out from the news that a new disease is spreading. This disease infects quickly and kills the infected in a matter of days. Even if you are lucky enough to not get infected, the people around you are not as lucky. In the blink of an eye, the world population drops almost 60%. That is what the Black Death did; it was a disease during the 14th century that spread mainly by fleas on the backs of rats which eradicated much of the European population. It affected familial structure, the power of the Church, and the economy, but it also helped to start the Italian Renaissance.
In 1347, the infected fleas landed in Italy on the back of rats aboard a merchant ship. Since Italy had many densely populated cities, the …show more content…

Due to the high rate of death, these lords and nobles were forced to provide better pay for peasants and skilled workers to maintain their lands and livelihoods and this improved the economy. Previously, the peasants and skilled workers were exploited and paid unfairly, but with the Black Death the survivors were able to take advantage of the situation. The people realized that they had a new independence that they previously never had. Even though they were being paid more, there were not enough workers to maintain all the farmlands, so eventually some land shriveled up and the animals on those farms died. Having villages close by meant that farmers could share animals. Even though this seems like it would help the farmers, it actually spread the disease further and lead to multiple farms falling victim to the plague. Whole families would die, and the farm animals would die of starvation. Such loses lead to a decline in food production, which meant there would not be enough food for the cities, towns and villages, which meant starvation occurred

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