
Black Hole Research Paper

Decent Essays

The mysteries of black holes are always unknown as to where they’re from, who discovered them and why are they so mysterious. Black holes have been around for centuries. They have been in the galaxy for over millions of years. Black holes are known as one of the strangest mysteries that’s existed. A black hole is a part of space that pulls so much gravity into it that not even light can escape from it. So where did black holes come to the existence in our lifetime? Mysteries of black holes always unknown as in where they come from. “Black holes form when the center of a massive star collapses in on itself.” When this occurs, it causes a supernova. A supernova is a star that increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass. The parts left over from the supernova collapse in onto itself forming a black hole. This well-known black hole is called a stellar mass black hole. “Scientists believe supermassive black holes have formed at …show more content…

“Albert Einstein first predicted black holes in 1916 with his general theory of relativity.” “The first to ever name black holes was American astronomer John Wheeler and the first one was discovered in 1971.” John Wheeler was a theoretical physicist. Sadly, he died April 13, 2008. It’s believed to be very hard to see the extraordinary event the only way to see them is by gravity waves. Firstly, Black holes are made up into three main parts the first part is the Outer Event Horizon which in this part of the black hole the gravity is not as strong. Secondly, the Inner Event Horizon in this part of the black hole it is too strong for an object to escape. Thirdly, the Singularity is the center of the black hole which is a crushed star about the size of an atom, the smaller the atom gets the stronger the gravitational pull is. This part is the strongest of all three. Researchers today still study the mystery of black

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