
Black Male And Public Space By Brent Staples Analysis

Good Essays

Ngoc Nguyen
Professor Bhuiyan
English 101-3065
2 April 2018
Gender Stereotypes Impact on Women
Prejudice in society has never been abolished. Expressions of prejudice are expressed through the recognition, evaluation, or action of a person or group of people on an object based on their appearance. Obviously, these prejudices are often inaccurate concepts, beliefs or ideas, and imposed on a group of people, and make misunderstandings about their characteristics. Those stereotypes can negatively impact people who are being type casted. In the article “Black Male and Public Space”, Brent Staples, who is known as an editorial writer for the New York Times, shares his stories of being a black male in Chicago. He has to deal with many mistaking …show more content…

Typically, the appearance of the young black male with the full of beard and huge body, he is common being typecast as a mugger or a rapist. His first ‘victim’ was a woman who tried running away from him when she saw him walking in the night. However, different from the scary look outside of his figure, he states: “As a softy who is scarcely able to take a knife to a raw chicken - let alone hold one to a person's throat - I was surprised, embarrassed and dismayed all at once” (Staples 189). In addition, the appearance of Staples in the certain space and time are also factors that impact on the way people look at him. He states: “On the less traveled streets after dark, I grew accustomed to but never comfortable with people crossing to the other side of the street rather than pass me” (Staples 189). The prejudice of a black person has named his image as a violent and fearful. Therefore, when people see him, they try to avoid approaching instead of going through him. All of these reactions were manifestations of racial discrimination, and it left him with a hurt feeling. Furthermore, Staples also shares his story about another black male who was mistaken as the killer and being hauled by police officers. He shares: “Such episodes are not uncommon. Black male trade tales like this all the time” (Staples 190). Staples, as well as other black youth, always face such dilemmas of being judged as a killer, a rapist, or a violent person. They always enter in the public place with the atmosphere that is heavy with caution and fearsomeness from the surrounding. In fact, even though he is a good man with high education, Staples still always has to encounter such complicated situations during his lifetime because of the image of the black male. Indeed, the way people's universal identity can give others the

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