
Black People In America Research Paper

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“Be quick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden (paradise) whose width is that of the heavens and of the earth, prepared for the righteous – Those who spend (freely), whether in prosperity or in adversity, who restrain (their) anger and pardon (all) men – for God loves those who do good.” Qur’an:3:133-134
Would you say it a difference between the Muslims bombing the twin towers and the Europeans coming to America and slaughtering millions of Indians? Would you say the Muslims that bombed 9/11are stood for the same cause as the Freedom Riders? Many people have mixed feelings about the Muslims, ever since 9/11 happened and I’m writing this paper to change the views of what people think about the Islamic Nation, hopefully. …show more content…

However, Allah is what our forefathers called God before America and the English language ever existed. Islam Is more than religion it’s the nature of god .and the nature in which he created, humanity Islam is a world that encompasses everything that goes for human development. When someone says they’re “Muslim” they are saying I believe in surrendering my will entirely to do the will of god. That is not a bad name, that is the noblest name and title that one could have. Muslim is not a title as such; it is an indication of the nature in which God (Allah) created you. Many Prophets Such as; The Honorable Elijah Muhammad ,Thirty-four years after the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, the Honorable Elijah Muhammad was born on or about Oct. 7, 1897 in Sandersville, Georgia. His exact date of his birth remains unknown because record keeping in rural Georgia for the descendants of slaves was not kept current, according to historians and family members. Elijah Muhammad, the son of a minister, and whose parents, William (later named Wali) and Marie Poole, had 12 other children, he quit school after barely finishing the third grade to work in the fields as a sharecropper so his family could eat (,1996). Elijah later got married and had children, he moved to Georgia. He worked for the Southern

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