
Black / White Gender Identification

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In the beginning, there was nothing. At some point, nothing became something and that point has been of hot debate for centuries. It quickly became apparent that the human race was fundamentally flawed in that it could not exist without scapegoating at least one demographic of their own people, creating another hot button issue to never cease. The easiest way to separate a group is to bisect it – generally in terms of black/white gender identification (male/female) – and when early homo sapiens found themselves settling down amidst the Neolithic Revolution and discovering agriculture, daily chores became more abundant and necessary. Thus began the base for a growing trend in sexism and ignoring the capabilities of one sex over the other, for “wo/men originally did ____, so they obviously can’t do ____!” As Western civilization blossomed into a bountiful land of oppression, incest, and materialism, wealthy societies enabled lavish lifestyles, which in turn e nabled the ideal of the posh and wealthy – people who n ever had to lift a finger, even to wipe their own buttocks. To the surprise of many, not all were able to afford such a lifestyle, and some were even rather upset with the development of the vast class system. This prompted the rise of satire as means of retaliation, a way to point out flaws in that which people were not allowed to view as flawed. As satire became more mainstream and popular, the main topics for satire were politics, religion, those gosh-durned

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