
Blindness And Ignorance In Oedipus Rex Essay

Decent Essays

Sophocles, a renowned classical playwright, has written numerous plays and poems that have been studied throughout time by writers and novelists. The legendary epic tragedy Oedipus Rex by Sophocles emphasize the idea of blindness and sight correlating to ideas of knowledge and ignorance throughout the play, by dramatic, verbal, and situational irony. In the play, King Oedipus of Thebes is blind and ignorant to the truth and his origins, but the blind prophet, Tiresias, clearly “sees” and acknowledges the truth. The ultimate theme is that there is more to the truth than what meets the bare eyes, and is revealed through the symbolistic irony.
When Creon, Oedipus’ brother-in-law, returns to Thebes with the message from the oracle of Delphi advising …show more content…

Tiresias, although being blind, holds the deepest secrets and appalling dire truth and infinite knowledge of what the future beholds and Oedipus who was entirely convinced about his origins in Corinth and who he was; however, the idea of metaphorical blindness develops as the story progresses. Oedipus instinctively associates physical blindness to close-mindedness as the blind cannot see what is ahead of them. He states with ignorance that Tiresias is unknowledgeable to the truth since he is blind, “It does— for any man but you, for you are truly blind, in eyes and ear and mind” (Sophocles 25, line 371-372). After declaring Tiresias is fake since he is blind, Tiresias reveals the future of him being blind, “Once called a ‘foreign resident’ he’ll be revealed a native son of Thebes, but not enjoy the moment. Blind, though born with sight, a beggar, wealthy once, he’ll use a staff, to steer his steps across foreign land” (Sophocles 29-30, line 452-456). Even though Tiresias is blind, he encompasses the complex truth with knowledge of the murderer, while the sightful Oedipus is ignorant of the truth Tiresias brings and refuses to acknowledge

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