
Blindness In Sophocles Oedipus The King

Decent Essays

In “Oedipus Rex”, originally written by Sophocles, a young man faces everything that could go wrong in a man’s whole lifetime, Oedipus dealt with the Sphinx. Creon then comes back from the oracle to say that they need to find the former king’s killer, so
Oedipus asked to see Tiresias for evidence on the killer. Oedipus accuses Tiresias and Creon of treason then, Jocasta comes and says how Lauis died and Oedipus feels responsible for his death. Shepard says that it was a group that killed Lauis so it wasn’t Oedipus, but Oedipus turns out to be married to his mother. Jocasta hanged herself so Oedipus then left Thebes. Throughout the play the theme blindness and sight shows up. Oedipus is blind to the truth until the end of the play.


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