
Blue Collar Workers

Decent Essays

In addition, the main issue for blue-collar workers is how to pay college. A student should also think about a loan to start building his education in college. It means to borrow money from the government, so many students can pay for college later. This way blue-collar workers do not have to worry at the moment of studying, but students have to do very good in all classes in order to finish a career and start working. This way is very helpful for those students who are still working, but their salary does not cover a semester. For blue-collar workers it is very important to take loans because they can focus in studying. It seems more flexible to study and getting a loan. According to Mary H. Cooper, “The law created a set of programs offering …show more content…

This quote means that the government has made a plan to get money, so students who really want to study can start college. According to a study on this law, the law raise from $782 million to $19.7 billion.
In the 1960s, the rate of students went high 8 million students at the end of the same decade. Also, at the beginning of the 1992 academic year there were 14.3 million of students in 3,535 institutions in the nation (Cooper). In the article “The working Class Gets Little Support for Training” its author talks about the money that goes to loans for students that are interested in going to college. It means that every year they have more opportunities and more money to study. Blue-collar workers should consider and analyze that there is a lot of money going into federal programs that distribute all these funds for students. This is very important for blue-collar workers to remember because it reinforces students to look for an opportunity for their education. In Buffenbarger’s view “Each year, over half a trillion dollars of local, state and federal monies is focused on …show more content…

Millions of scholarships are offered year by year. These scholarships are very huge opportunities for those students who really want to study and achieve what they desire in life. Blue-collar workers have to show a lot of hard work in school in order to get one scholarship. A scholarship is money that a company or a group of wealthy people offer to students that can succeed in a career. It helps you to pay college. College expenses are very high. My best friend got a scholarship months ago. She is very smart and a very hard worker. A company offer her $8,000 to study medicine. Now she does not have to worry about paying or working to pay her career, but she has to do very well in college. According to what Sandra Stencel states “But now many institutions are offering honor programs, merit scholarships and tuition discounts to high applicants…” (Sandra Stencel). She explains that a lot of intelligent teenagers can take this chance to start accomplishing their goals. Smart students also have the opportunity to get money for their intelligence. All the companies and groups that give all this money away to these kids have big desires that they get awarded. It shows us that still a lot of wealthy people use their money to contribute to a good ideal. A scholarship is more like an award for those students who also want to be successful. Getting a scholarship can be little hard, but hard work gives very

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