
Boo is a Crazy Maniac in To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee Essay

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Boo Radley is portrayed as a crazy maniac due to the rumors spread about him and a trial he underwent as a teenager.(Scout) "So Jem received most of his information from Miss Stephanie Crawford, a neighborhood scold, who said she knew the whole thing. According to Miss Stephanie, Boo was sitting in the livingroom cutting some items from 'The Maycomb Tribune' to paste in his scrapbook. His father entered the room. As Mr. Radley passed by, Boo drove the scissors into his parent’s leg, pulled them out, wiped them on his pants, and resumed his activities."(pg 11)Scout and Jem look upon him with fear and suspicion from the stories that surround them from the time they were children. She gradually becomes aware that Boo is just lonely and wants …show more content…

It also symbolizes courage and that you can't kill a camellia just by cutting it off ,but pulling it by it's root.. Dill represents childhood innocence.When Tom is examined by the prosecutor he cries. "That old Mr.Gilmer doin' him thataway, talking so hateful to him[...]It made me sick, plain sick"(pg 198-199)He also brings a sense of adventure and exploration, particularly with Boo Radley. He sparks the interest with Boo Radley.(scout tells what jem said)"[...]He said it began the summer dill came to us, when Dill first gave us the idea to make Boo radley come out."(pg 1)His family is very different from the Finch's. He has a broken family and is not payed attention to. On the other hand Atticus takes his parenting seriousley even more so because they don't have a mother. Unlike the Finch's, dill has hardly any adult supervision and even ran from home to spend his summer with scout and jem. His presence brings contrast to the lifestyles.. Dill represents childhood innocence.He is one of the novel's "Mockingbirds" and loses his innocence when he is exposed to the injustice of Tom's case and racism in the world .When Tom is examined by the prosecutor he cries. "That old Mr.Gilmer doin' him thataway, talking so hateful to him[...]It made me sick, plain sick"(pg 198-199)He also brings a sense of adventure and exploration. He sparks the interest with Boo Radley and makes up "The Boo Radley Game" in which they act out stories they hear

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