
Book Burning In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

In Ray Bradbury’s novel, Fahrenheit 451, Montag, a local firefighter, comes to the realization that the dystopic society he and Clarisse live in encourages book burning to keep the knowledge in the books a secret. Ray Bradbury was born on August 22, 1920 in a small town, Waukegan, just north of Chicago. When Bradbury was a young child he always loved to go to the library with his brother and stay there for hours. His aunt was also one of the first people to get him to find a love for reading and writing. Moreover, the themes found in his novels today are related to books his aunt exposed him to as a child. Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451, is known as his best work to this day. One of Fahrenheit 451’s main points is book burning and how it affected …show more content…

Since Montag decided that his book burning career was over, there has been a bit of a wedge in between Montag and Millie’s relationship, Montag begins to realize that if he wants to continue being married to Millie, he has to continue being a fireman. It is not safe for him to express his own opinions or ideas in his own home without the judgement of Millie (Bradbury). Montag learned a while ago, that he does not want to be a book burner anymore, so he is not going to change himself, to make Millie become more comfortable. Even though Millie has seemed a bit more tense, Montag never really thought about it being such a bad thing, Millie feels threatened by Montag and his new interest in books. Millie overdoses on sleeping pills and then Montag realizes she may not be as happy as she seems (Bradbury). Montag has been trying to turn his life around for the better and Millie is not for this at …show more content…

Fahrenheit 451 focuses on Montag’s transformation from an obedient servant for the state to a questioning human being (Johnson). In the beginning of the novel, Montag does whatever he is told to do. By the end he does the complete opposite and does not let anyone get in his way of what he is envisioning is idea society to be.
In the end, Montag decides he can not take living in this society anymore. Montag cannot take where he lives and chooses to leave, Montag burns his own house and kills Captain Beatty. Then, he goes out on a hunt for the book people. After they see what Montag is about, they ask him if he would like to become part of the Book of Ecclesiastes Society and he accepts the offer (Bradbury). He wants to maintain his ow freedom so badly that he commits murder, so the integrity of his vision is not destroyed (Johnson). Montag is now ready to begin this new chapter of his life.
In the novel, Fahrenheit 451, a society is revolved around making everyone have the same things. The community that Montag and Clarisse live in, “Depicts a world in which the American Dream has turned nightmare because it has been superficially understood” (Mogen 105). For the people who are living in this dystopic society do not even realize that book burning is such a bad thing. They see it as a normal, humane

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