
Booker T. Washington's Speech Analysis

Decent Essays

This week’s readings about the race issues during the Progressive Era in America from two of America’s African leaders was very interesting. The first man, Booker T. Washington, was a well-respected African American leader and educator during this time. Washington is most known for his speech, “Atlanta Compromise,” which was delivered on September 18, 1895. In opposition to Washington, W.E.B. DuBois criticizes him in his speech, “The Souls of Black Folks.” While analyzing these speeches, it is important to remember that Washington was a Southerner and DuBois was a Northerner.

Booker T. Washington’s speech was delivered at the Cotton States and International Exposition in Atlanta. This became one of America’s significant …show more content…

DuBois saw the importance in Washington’s speech, but he also believed that Washington’s ideas of gradualism for civil rights as acquiescence to many southerners who wanted to maintain the inferior status of blacks. In his view, Washington represented the old mentality of blacks, which was adjustment and submission, and his actions of the Atlanta Compromise accepted the inferiority of the black race. DuBois states that this policy of Washington’s damaged the African Americans by contributing to the loss of vote, the loss of civil status and the loss of aid for institutions of higher education. In The Souls of Black Folk, DuBois addresses his arguments about how the African Americans and the South should handle the issues faced by Southern African Americans. He insists that the right to vote, civil equality and the education of youth according to ability are essential for African American progress. DuBois believed that blacks should launch legal and scholarly attacks on racism and discrimination without hesitation and asks the most talented blacks to lead this struggle. This resulted in the creation of the …show more content…

DuBois presented an idea that was more beneficial to eliminate the prejudice between both races and gives the blacks more equality. The African Americans should not have to continue the fight for their civil rights, which is what Washington’s plan indicated. If we take the information we learn from both speeches and implement it into today’s society, we still see the problems that arise from those living in disadvantaged communities. Most poor communities are populated with uneducated children and adults, but we are not taking away their right to learn because of their situations. These underdeveloped areas are usually not thought of, therefore, the people living in these areas can fall behind. I feel like the less fortunate in today’s society give up too easily and then turn towards criminal acts in order to survive instead of making a change for the better. An important factor I learned from reading these speeches is that the African Americans wanted to be educated, to have civil rights and to vote, so they fought for

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