
Bosie Badazz Research Paper

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Boosie Badazz and I have a few big things in common. We both do what we love to do for a living. Maybe he’s making slightly more than me. By slightly, I mean there’s a good half-a-million to a mill gap. Despite that, he’s a struggling human just like I am. Boosie has never been afraid to let his emotions run wild through his music. It’s that street gospel which attracts a wide audience. “Wipe It Down” was fun, but it’s not going to keep a generation’s attention like what he’s done after that.
It’s been almost two years since Boosie has been free. A long battle with the legal system following a possible murder charge ended in him walking away a free man, back to his family, friends and fans. Even on the outside, he’s still fighting. Most recently, for his life. Late November ’15, he announced to the world that he has kidney cancer. A few weeks later, he lost half a kidney during surgery but it was a successful operation. This weighed …show more content…

It’s intimate, a look into the mind of Boosie after finding out: “I cried for hours/ jumped in the shower stressed/ and cried to my mama and my nana.” His words are almost chilling. It’s not clear when he wrote it, before or after surgery, but you’re hearing him as if this is the night following his diagnosis.
Last year, I questioned Boosie Badazz’s career. “Lil Boosie is Free, But Has His Career Survived Jail Time?” was the title of my article. I caught some negativity from a few people who felt I didn’t understand how big he is. To this day, I still believe it was a valid question to ask, but maybe it needed to be asked in a broader scale. Boosie will always have his career and a legion of fans. It seemed like the ‘Free Boosie’ campaign was a lot bigger than the reception for his music following prison. That’s where my my mind was at. Was everyone who screamed for his freedom still paying attention

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